Final reminder - annual IETF community survey
IETF Executive Director
2021-05-12 21:03:35 UTC
This is the final reminder about our IETF community survey. This survey is our first attempt to reach out to everyone subscribed to an IETF mailing list to see what you think of the IETF, even if you do not actively participate.

Thank you to the 950 people who have so far responded, taking an average of 7 mins to complete. Ideally we would like around 2300 responses to get a margin of error of +/- 2%, so if you can spare the time please fill out the survey here:


We run the survey in anonymous mode which means that we only see data that you explicitly provide. For full details of the questions and methodology, please see this blog post:


This is the last direct email you will receive regarding this survey until next year but if you want to unsubscribe for next year, please do so here: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-surveys.

Once again, here’s the survey link and thanks in advance for your time:


Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director